
This page contains a compilation of other sites that provide resources and information to those who are currently homeless or those who wish to help them, as well as a collection of other key pages.
Information is available for the United Kingdom and Australia.

The United Kingdom


Crisis is a UK-based national charity for homeless people that provides support across England, Scotland and Wales. Founded in 1967 due to rising homelessness by Bill Sharman, Crisis assists homeless people to find and keep a rented home, provides employment and health services, and campaigns for measures to end homelessness for good.


Shelter assists those who are homeless or living in poor-quality housing to find a reasonable place to live, whilst providing free advice and legal support. Shelter provides support in England and Scotland only.


National Services

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army provides a variety of support systems for the homeless including housing, assistance in obtaining employment, and financial assitance.

Mission Australia

Mission Australia is a national Christian charity that provides a range of community services throughout Australia, in particular focusing on homelessness and assisting individuals to find safe and affordable housing.

Australian Capital Territory


OneLink is an Australian Capital Territory only service that provides support services for homelessness, disabilty and family support.

New South Wales


Link2Home provides information to homeless individuals and makes referrals to homelessness services across New South Wales. They can be contacted 24/7 on 1800 152 152.


Opening Doors

Opening Doors is a 24-hour statewide toll free number on 1800 825 955 that allows homeless individuals to speak with a housing and support worker.

Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre

Safe Steps provides specialist support services for anyone in Victoria who is experiencing or afraid of family violence, with services including crisis housing, and a 24/7 family support line.


Homeless Hotline

Homeless Hotline is a phone information and referral service for people who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of homelessness. They can be contacted on 1800 474 753.

South Australia

Homelessness Gateway

Homelessness Gateway is South Australia' primary service for homelessness and can be contacted on 1800 003 308.

Youth Gateway: Trace-A-Place

For those who are under 25 who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. They can be contacted on 1800 807 364.

Northern Territory

Shelter Me

Shelter Me acts as a "directory" of resources for the Northern Territory's homeless population, providing assistance obtaining a place to stay, food, money, legal advice, and clothes or other home basics.


Homeless Support Helpline

Tasmania's Homeless Support Hotline provides 24/7 assistance and support to Tasmania's homeless population, as well as immediate emergency accomodation. They can be contacted on 1800 800 588.